Category: Flowering Trees

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Under The Jakfruit Tree

The Tree Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea arborea), is a true species of Bougainvillea. It grows in tree form usually with multiple trunks and can attain a height of 20 feet or more. Unlike its hybrid cousins, which have many different colors and grow in shrub to vining form, the tree Bougainvillea has one color, light purple or…
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May 23, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Richard Lyons Nursery has a unique Queen’s Crape Myrtle for sale. It is bright pink with larger than normal flowers. It is currently in full bloom. If you are in the neighborhood stop by and check it out. I am afraid the photos below do not do it justice.

May 16, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

The Milky Way Tree (Stemmadenia litoralis)is a very beautiful tree from Central America related to Frangipani (Plumeria).  It produces tubular white fragrant flowers throughout the year, which contrast nicely against the glossy dark green leaves.  It produces so many flowers that the fallen blossoms blanket the ground underneath the tree.  This tree can attain a…
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May 9, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium), a fast-growing tree of Central America, it was planted by the Aztecs to provide shade for cacao plantations. That application is the source of the common name Madre de Cacao. Over the centuries, it has also come to be used to shade coffee, tea and vanilla plants. The true species…
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March 7, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Bombax ceiba, most often referred to its common name of Red Silk Cotton Tree. Although it is native to southeast Asia and Australia, it does quite well in S. Florida. When young, it has the characteristic thorns on its trunk like other members of the Silk Cotton trees, but as it ages, the thorns disappear.…
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February 28, 2021 0