Category: Herbaceous Plants

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Shampoo Ginger and Beehive Ginger

The true Shampoo Ginger is Zingiber zerumpet ‘Awapuhi’. The other Zingiber members are often referred to as Beehive Gingers. One in particular, Zingiber macrodenium ‘Chocolate Ball’ has a classic beehive shape. Zingiber have 3-5′ tall leafstalks which go completely dormant from fall through spring. Unlike other gingers, Zingiber flower stalks emerge directly from the rhizome…
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June 4, 2023 0

Elephant Ear ‘Tropical Storm’

Colocasia esculenta ‘Tropical Storm’ is a very compact quick clumping elephant ear forming a dense mass of foliage which is purple black with a creamy white center. It is very attractive and would make a nice border for a shade garden or maybe a nice clump in the middle of a garden. Richard Lyons Nursery…
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March 26, 2023 0


Begonia’s in the landscape make excellent border plants for a shady moist location. Also, there are some stand alone clumping Angel Wing Begonia’s, that bloom continuously and can attain a height of 4-5 feet. Richard Lyons nursery has several in stock. Below are some photos of these plants in the landscape.

February 5, 2023 0


Gaura lindheimeri ‘Karalee Petite Pink’ is a very interesting low growing perennial plant for full sun. This perennial is an excellent border plant with colorful foliage consisting of long strap-like leaves in a tight rosette. The leaves can be green, green and burgandy, or deep burgundy depending on light levels. The flower spikes are 10-14″…
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October 2, 2022 0

The Vanilla Vine

Vanilla planifolia, a member of the Orchid Family (Orchidaceae) is the primary species of orchid grown commercially to produce the very expensive vanilla extract. This orchid is actually a vine which starts out in the shade and grows up the trunks of trees, eventually flowering, when it gets high enough up in the tree it…
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August 14, 2022 0