Category: Under the Jakfruit Tree

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Lignum vitae

Lignum vitae (Guaiacum sanctum) is native to the Florida Keys and Miami-Dade County. This native tree is listed as endangered due to habitat loss. Lignum vitae translation is ‘Tree of Life’ for its many medicinal properties. However, it is mainly grown as a beautiful ornamental. While it is slow growing, it is one of the…
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April 3, 2022 0

Pink Shaving Brush Tree

One look at Pseudobombax ellipticum flowers, and you immediately know how the tree got its common name. Of course, that is assuming you are old enough to know what a shaving brush is. Everyone else ‘Google’ it. This is a very large tree with a very large spreading crown. The tree is deciduous, and the…
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March 27, 2022 0


Myrciaria cauliflora like all trees in the Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae), its bark peels revealing a smooth mottled trunk. This is very attractive, and with small leaves that emerge papery red before hardening off to light green, this tree is ideal for tropical bonsai. However, most people grow this Brazilian native for its sweet grape like…
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March 20, 2022 0

Indian Mallow or Canary Tree

Abutilon chittendenii is a member of the Hibiscus family. It is a large shrub or small tree attaining a height of 10 feet with broad heart shaped leaves. It has canary yellow five petaled flowers in clusters along its branches. It is a winter bloomer and both bees and butterflies are attracted to its flowers.…
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March 13, 2022 0

Caribwood Tree

Poitea carinalis (formerly Sabinea carinalis) is a small tree 10-15′ tall which is endemic to the island of Dominica in the West Indies.  It officially became the national flower of Dominica in 1978.  It grows along dry coastal areas on the island, although there are few individuals remaining in the wild. This tree is an…
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March 6, 2022 0