Category: Under the Jakfruit Tree

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Rabbit Ears Shrub

The most often used common name for Ruttya fruticosa is of course Rabbit Ears. When you see a picture of the flowers this becomes obvious. However, Jammy Mouth and Gummy Mouth have been used to a lesser extent due to the heavy dark markings on the lip of the flowers that resembles jam. This low…
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February 27, 2022 0

White Candles

Whitfieldia elongata is a shade tolerant shrub from tropical Africa. In the garden it can attain a height of 4 to 6 feet tall. It can also be grown in a large container indoors and kept smaller than what is seen in the ground. This shrub has dark green glossy foliage which contrast nicely with…
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February 20, 2022 0


Odontonema strictum is native to South America and grows very well in South Florida. Its twelve-inch flower spikes consist of waxy tubular flowers. This shrub is one of the best shrubs in South Florida to attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and honeybees. The red flowering variety blooms most of the year. However, the purple variety is quite…
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February 13, 2022 0

Panama Queen

Aphelandra sinclairiana is a shade tolerant shrub native to Central America. It produces bright orange cone shaped bracts at the tips of its branches in which pink flowers emerge. An unusual color combination which lasts for several weeks, and the flowers are fragrant as an added bonus. Richard Lyons Nursery currently has this plant in…
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February 6, 2022 0

Yellow Elder

Tecoma stans can be grown as a shrub or single trunk tree. If growing as a tree, Yellow Elder can attain a height of 12-15 feet. Its flowers are bright yellow in clusters at the tips of the branches. This tree/shrub blooms periodically throughout the year. When it is in full bloom, it is hard…
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January 30, 2022 0