Richard Lyons Nursery, Inc.

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Musical Note Shrub

Clerodendrum incisum is not a well-known member of the Clerodendrum genus. A small shrub, 3-5′ tall and 4-5′ wide. Its common name is very well named as the flower buds prior to opening resemble musical notes. The flowers themselves are white with red stamens and very attractive in their own right. This shrub can be…
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March 12, 2023 0

Iochroma Shrub

Iochroma cyanea is a small shrub 3-5 feet tall and equally wide. The flower colors range from pale to deep purple, pale to dark pink, and even red. The flowers are tubular in shape and form in clusters at the tips of the new growth. The more new growth you can promote through pruning, the…
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March 5, 2023 0

Ashoka Tree

The Ashoka Tree (Saraca indica), not to be confused with Polyalthia longifolia, which also sometimes goes by the common name, Ashoka Tree. While they are both indigenous to India, that’s where all similarities end. Saraca indica has beautiful orangey yellow blossoms during this time of the year in South Florida. The tree has a nice…
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February 26, 2023 0

Mango Trees and Fruit

Mangifera indica is the botanical name for the mango tree, but it is not needed with this tree as there is no confusion with its common name. Most everyone in South Florida looks forward to the mango season. There are so many varieties to choose from and it seems like everyone has their favorite. Some…
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February 19, 2023 0

Tropical Bleeding Heart Vine

Tropical Bleeding Heart Vine, Clerodendrum thomsoniae, is native to tropical West Africa. This vine can attain a height of 13′ tall with very woody stems. While it is classified as a vine, it does resemble a small shrub. The bright red flowers emerge from a pure white five-lobed calyx in clusters of 8-20. There is…
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February 12, 2023 0