Richard Lyons Nursery, Inc.

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Double Crepe Jasmine or Pinwheel Jasmine

Tabernaemontana divaricata ‘Flore Pleno’, the cultivar ‘Flore Pleno’, refers to the double petals of its flowers. This large shrub or small tree is in the Apocynaceae Family, which Plumeria is a member of. Like Plumeria, Crepe Jasmine flowers are also extremely fragrant except only at night. Crepe Jasmine is native to Southeast Asia and China…
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May 29, 2022 0

Ground Orchids

Specifically, the Genus Spathoglottis as the most common ground orchid. Ground orchids are as the name suggests, terrestrial orchids which grow in moist, light shaded areas of the garden. There are several hybrids and cultivars producing a wide variety of colors, ranging from white to yellow, along with bicolored flowers. The most common color is…
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May 22, 2022 0

Royal Poinciana Tree

Delonix regia, The Royal Poinciana Tree, or sometimes called The Flamboyant Tree or Flame Tree is native to Madagascar. However, it is widely planted throughout South Florida, so much so, that it might be the most common landscape tree in South Florida. It will be in full bloom in another 2-3 weeks. There is some…
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May 15, 2022 0

White Star Flower or White Shooting Star

Alibertia sp. ‘Belize’ is a very nice shrub native to Belize which can reach 5-8′ tall and 4-6′ wide. It can be grown in full sun to partial shade and when it is in full bloom, spring through summer is quite striking. The flowers are white star shaped with a very long pedicel giving them…
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May 8, 2022 0

Fountain Clerodendrum or Tube Flower

Clerodendrum minahassae is a large shrub or small tree usually multi-trunked. This plant blooms in spring to early summer with clusters of tubular white flowers giving the allusion of a fountain, thus the common names. After flowering this tree develops very attractive fruits that are deep blue almost purple, surrounded by flattened thick red bracts…
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May 1, 2022 0