Richard Lyons Nursery, Inc.

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Under The Jakfruit Tree

When it comes to the New Guinea Trumpet Vine, the world temporarily returns to its senses. This very attractive liana really is native to New Guinea! Known botanically as Tecomanthe dendrophila (and formerly called T. venusta), it is related to the genera Tecoma and Tecomaria from other parts of the world, but produces larger and…
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March 26, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Senna ligustrina (Privet Senna) is a small native tree/shrub rarely exceeding 8 feet tall. It blooms periodically throughout the year with clusters of bright yellow flowers and produces an abundance of viable seed which can be seen germinating underneath. It is also the host plant to several species of Sulphur Butterflies. Richard Lyons Nursery currently…
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March 14, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium), a fast-growing tree of Central America, it was planted by the Aztecs to provide shade for cacao plantations. That application is the source of the common name Madre de Cacao. Over the centuries, it has also come to be used to shade coffee, tea and vanilla plants. The true species…
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March 7, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Bombax ceiba, most often referred to its common name of Red Silk Cotton Tree. Although it is native to southeast Asia and Australia, it does quite well in S. Florida. When young, it has the characteristic thorns on its trunk like other members of the Silk Cotton trees, but as it ages, the thorns disappear.…
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February 28, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

When you think of Petrea volubulis (Queen’s Wreath Vine), you naturally think of long purple sprays of blossoms, somewhat reminiscent of the temperate Wisteria Vine. However, there is a white cultivar, ‘Albiflora’, which doesn’t bloom as often, but when it does, is striking in it’s own right. Richard Lyons Nursery has both colors in stock.

February 21, 2021 0