Richard Lyons Nursery, Inc.

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Most Gardenias only bloom once a year in the springtime. The exception to this is the Tahitian Gardenia (Gardenia taitensis). This Gardenia blooms on and off throughout the year. It is a sprawling plant, with dark shiny leaves similar to most Gardenias. It is fragrant like all of the Gardenias as well. Richard Lyons Nursery…
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February 14, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

The Jamaican Poinsettia is native to Jamaica, and a relative of the Christmas Poinsettia.  Unlike the poinsettia you buy at Christmas, this large shrub or small tree, 12-15′, flowers year round.  However, like the Christmas Poinsettia, flowering is dependent on no external light sources being present.  So, no porch lights or security lights can shine…
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February 7, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

A couple of months ago I wrote a short blurb about Red Firespike (odontonema strictum) as it was in full bloom. Well it is still in full bloom. There is nothing significant about that fact, but now its cousin, Purple Firespike (odontonema callistachyum), has joined Red Firespike in full bloom. The two together make a…
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January 31, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Tropical Hydrangea is probably not a very good common name given the fact this plant is not related to Hydrangea at all. However, the flowers strikingly, do resemble the temperate species. I am referring to Dombeya wallichii. About a month ago I wrote about its cousin, Dombeya burgessiae ‘Seminole’. Dombeya wallichii also attracts an abundance…
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January 24, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Today’s topic brings me to 3 native Lantana species. Lantana is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the Verbenaceae family (Verbena Family). The first native lantana is Lantana depressa var. depressa (Pineland Lantana). This plant grows in the Pine Rocklands habitat which has been greatly reduced in area over the years due to development.…
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January 10, 2021 0