The Allure of Brunfelsia
If you’ve been driving around town in the past month, your gaze might have been diverted by a dazzling plant in full flower. It’s the one covered from top to bottom with 2-in. wide blooms ranging from purple to lavender to white – simultaneously! You’re looking at Brunfelsia grandiflora, commonly called Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow. While this species is very dependable over time, this year’s flowering seems to be especially vigorous. For more information about Brunfelsia, please see Steve Turner’s October 12, 2012 article and photos on this website. And one more thing: Try to keep your eyes on the road.
- Brunfelsia grandiflora (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)
- Brunfelsia grandiflora (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)
- Brunfelsia grandiflora (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)