The Clumping Ptychospermas
Of the palms suitable to cultivation in southern Florida, the genus Ptychosperma is among the most successful. Its 30 or so species are Asian in origin, native mostly to New Guinea and Australia. Though they’re primarily rain forest species, some, such as the ubiquitous Solitaire Palm (Ptychosperma elegans), have proven successful in sunny exposures. A few species are single-stemmed, but the majority are clumping, or clustering.
Richard Lyons’ Nursery raises clustering Ptychospermas because of their ornamental appeal and functional value. Our multi-stemmed species bear highly-attractive leaflet tips that appear to have been uniformly bitten off by mysterious forest fauna. At maturity the trees will reach 30 ft. or more.
These palms are excellent additions to wooded properties on which the owner desires to emulate a tropical rain forest. Not only are they at home in shaded positions, but as they age and outgrow some of the other forest trees, they can adapt to brighter light.
Clumping Ptychospermas are especially recommended for planting next to multi-story buildings. Not only do these palms grow tall, but their upright habit allows them to be installed in rather narrow spaces. Where the sprawling habit of Phoenix reclinata would be overwhelming, the narrow profile of clustering Ptychospermas provides a perfect alternative.
Visit Richard Lyons’ Nursery for a closeup look at the versatile clumping Ptychospermas. We stock them in 15-gal. containers.