Under the Jakfruit Tree
A fruit tree currently at the nursery bearing fruit is June Plum (Spondias dulcis). Trees are grown from seed, and start bearing at a very young age, usually in less than a year from germination. The pale yellow flowers appear in large terminal panicles, followed by long stalked oval fruits which dangle in bunches. The fruits are 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches long turning golden yellow when ripe. A word of caution when eating this fruit, the spiny seed inside can be very painful. Best to cut the flesh away from the seed when eating this fruit.
While this tree is native to southeast Asia, it was introduced to Jamaica in 1782, where it remains very popular on the island to this day.
Richard Lyons Nursery has this tree for sale, and the fruit when in season.
Spondias dulcis (June Plum) Spondias dulcis (June Plum) Spondias dulcis (June Plum)