Colville’s Glory Tree

Early fall is the time of year for the bright orange pendant raceme of blooms that contrast against the Poinciana-like feathery leaves and blue sky of Colville’s Glory Tree (Colvillea racemosa). It truly is in all its glory right now. The tree was named for Sir Charles Colville, a British governor of Mauritius from 1828-1834. The tree is mostly upright with little crown spread, attaining a height of 30-50′ tall. Those bright orange flowers dangle off the ends of branches, making just a spectacular display. There’s no mistaking this tree when it is in bloom in early fall in the South Florida landscape.
Richard Lyons Nursery currently has these trees in stock.
Colvillea racemosa (Colville’s Glory Tree) Colvillea racemosa (Colville’s Glory Tree) Colvillea racemosa (Colville’s Glory Tree)