Under The Jakfruit Tree
Cabbage Tree or Horseradish Tree? Turns out, both are correct depending on the species of Moringa. Moringa stenopetala (Cabbage Tree) and Moringa oleifera (Horseradish Tree) are the two common species of Moringa. Both have become popular with the health craze, due to the amount of protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins A, B12, and C in their leaves.
These two species are heralded as a powerful anti-aging agent, improves sleep, stabilizes blood sugar and blood pressure, and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Richard Lyons Nursery has both of these species in stock.
Moringa stenopetala (Cabbage Tree) Moringa oleifera (Horseradish Tree) Moringa stenopetala (Cabbage Tree) Moringa stenopetala (Cabbage Tree)