Under The Jakfruit Tree
Just a quick note about two popular Croton varieties. Croton is the common name of a shrub that has hundreds of hybrids and cultivars. It is a member of the Euphorbiaceae Family which is a large family of plants, with all having white latex sap. I am only going to mention Codiaeum variegatum ‘Dreadlocks’ and ‘King of Siam’. They both have long twisting cascading leaves of many colors. ‘Dreadlocks’ has more red in the leaves and a splotchy pattern. ‘King of Siam’ is predominately green and yellow, and more well defined spots.
Richard Lyons Nursery currently has both of these cultivars in stock.
Codiaeum variegatum ‘Dreadlocks’ (Dreadlocks Croton) Codiaeum variegatum ‘Dreadlocks’ (Dreadlocks Croton) Codiaeum variegatum ‘King of Siam’ (King of Siam Croton) Codiaeum variegatum ‘King of Siam’ (King of Siam Croton)