Welcome to Richard Lyons’ Nursery
The biggest news, of course, is our brand-new website which you have found. We hope you will continue to visit this website as we will have updated news about the nursery on a weekly basis. As you can see by the address, we are located in Miami, Florida. Please stop by for a visit. We are open every day from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, including Saturday and Sunday, but CLOSED Thursday.
There are currently several trees and plants in bloom at the nursery which you can add to your landscape. Several photos have been posted for your viewing pleasure. Others which have not been posted as of yet include Cassia fistula (Golden Shower), Spathodea campanulata (Yellow African Tulip Tree), Jacaranda mimosifolia (Purple Jacaranda), and others too numerous to jot down.
We offer a selection of plants that are not widely available throughout the nursery industry in Miami. With our help you can have a lush tropical garden for a very low cost. It is easy to install a beautiful butterfly garden with very few plants which will still attract all of the species present in Miami-Dade County.
We have trees which grow at varying rates, from very slow to very rapid. We also have over 50 varieties of tropical fruit trees which can be easily maintained without the need for spraying dangerous chemicals which can damage the environment. When you visit our 10-acre nursery, we will be able to show you mature specimens planted along the perimeter to give you an idea of what these plants will look like with age.
We grow the majority of our plants from seeds or cuttings from our vast collection of stock plants in the ground. Come visit us for a tour of the nursery in the comfort of a golf cart. Keep in mind when you are outside and uncomfortable due to the high heat and humidity that these plants are growing at their best.