Category: Fruit at the Nursery

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Dimocarpus Longan

Longan fruit is currently in season and available at Richard Lyons Nursery. Longan (Dimocarpus longan) is in the same family, Sapindaceae, as its better known relative, the Lychee Tree. Unlike the Lychee Tree, Longan is a more reliable fruit bearing tree as it does not require the cool night temperatures in winter as the Lychee…
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July 18, 2021 0


A look at Dragon Fruit or Pitahaya. The fruit is produced from a tropical vining epiphytic cactus, Hylocereus undatus, or more recently, Selenicereus. The cactus is grown for its fruit throughout the tropics. It originated in the America’s like all true cacti, but its exact origin is unknown. It is typically grown on a large…
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July 11, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Calabaza is the Spanish name for any type of pumpkin. In English, it refers to West Indian Pumpkin, or Calabassa, a winter squash grown in the Caribbean and Tropical America. Botanically, it is Curbita moschata. At Richard Lyons Nursery it is grown under the rows of Jakfruit and Sapodilla trees. It is unfortunately a host…
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May 2, 2021 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

Today, ‘Under The Jakfruit Tree, will actually be about Jakfruit trees.  No matter how you spell it, Jakfruit or Jackfruit, it is the largest fruit that grows on a tree in the world.  It is native to India, but it has been cultivated throughout Southeast Asia and right here in our own backyard of South…
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July 14, 2019 0

Under The Jakfruit Tree

The Mango Trees are in full bloom now and the Jakfruit trees are flowering and forming fruit as well. The Sapodilla trees still have ripe fruit ready for sale. As always, Richard Lyons Nursery has a wide variety of tropical fruit trees for sale as well as ornamentals for your yard.

March 10, 2019 0