Category: Fruit at the Nursery

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Observations on a Wacky Autumn

With a 70% chance of rain today, who would believe we are in the dry season? And last week the temperatures dipped into the low 50s in the Redland. If we continue to have cool weather, we might have a strong lychee crop next year. That would be great. Our Jakfruit season here at Richard…
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November 21, 2014 0

Late Autumn Vegetable and Fruit Report

If one word had to be picked to describe the current status of vegetable and fruit crops in southern Florida, it would be “confused.”  That’s because weather conditions over past few months have caused many crops to develop erratically.  Forecast projections for the period from November through January went wrong immediately:  November was predicted to be…
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December 20, 2013 0

Latest News From Around The Nursery

Who says we don’t have seasons here in south Florida?  We have just begun the dry season — no more daily storms, just occasional rain.  Don’t expect a rainy season until about the middle of May next year.  Watch the moisture level in all of your potted plants.  They lose moisture much faster with the advent of lower humidity and…
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October 13, 2013 0

Winter Gardening and U-pick at the Nursery

This is a very interesting time of year weather-wise. In November we experienced several cool days. Apparently the nighttime temperatures were low enough for the lychee trees to start to flower. With the last few nights in the fifties we might have a decent lychee crop in 2013. Hopefully the blooms will be a mix…
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December 27, 2012 0

Available Fruit


June 30, 2012 0